Departament of Discrete Mathematics / Politechnika Rzeszowska im. Ignacego Łukasiewicza

Department of Discrete Mathematics

Rzeszów University of Technology
The Faculty of Mathematics and Applied Physics
Powstańców Warszawy 8
Pl-35-959 Rzeszów



Participation in Workshop 3in1
26 Nov
Members of our academic staff, Paweł Bednarz, PhD, Natalia Bednarz, MSc and Adrian Michalski, MSc participated in the conference „Workshop 3in1”. The event took place in Dosłońce from 21th to 23th...
Rector's Awards
25 Nov
We are pleased to inform that employees of the Department of Discrete Mathematics have received Rector's Awards. This year the Awards have been granted to...
Participation in CID 2019 conference
23 Sep
From 15th to 18th September our employees, Iwona Włoch, PhD, DSc, Urszula Bednarz, PhD and Małgorzata Wołowiec-Musiał, PhD, participated in the international conference CID...
Participation in EUROCOMB 2019 conference
02 Sep
Members of our academic staff, Paweł Bednarz, PhD, Natalia Bednarz, MSc and Adrian Michalski, MSc participated in the international conference...